Title: Winter Border Collies Pastel Painting is 9" x 12" on Heavy Fine Art Paper. Signed Certificate of Authenticity (COA) included. Signed by the artist , title and date on the back of painting. Sealed with an acrylic top coat. An authentic original painting by Artist Kimberly Helgeson Sams. Copyright 2001-2024 Stage Dragon Packaged carefully to ensure its safe arrival. This beautiful 9x12 original pastel painting by artist Kimberly Helgeson Sams depicts a charming winter scene featuring border collie dogs. The painting is created with oil pastels on paper and is signed by the artist, making it a unique and authentic piece of art. The painting is unframed and comes with a certificate of authenticity issued by the artist herself. The artwork is a single-piece work and was created in the ultra-contemporary time period of 2020-now. The winter scene is full of vibrant, multi-colors that bring the border collies to life. This painting is a must-have for any dog or art lover, and it would make a great addition to any home or office.