Title: Poodle Christmas Painting is 9" x 12" on Heavy Art Paper Signed Certificate of Authenticity (COA) included. Signed by the artist, title and date on the back of painting. Sealed with an acrylic top coat. An original pastel painting by Artist Kimberly Helgeson Sams. Copyright 2001-2023 Stage Dragon This stunning 9x12 painting is an original, one-of-a-kind piece of art by the talented artist Kimberly Helgeson Sams. Created in the art deco, folk art, and vintage styles, this pastel painting features a colorful depiction of poodles during the Christmas season. The painting is signed by the artist and comes with a certificate of authenticity issued by the artist herself. The painting is unframed and created on high-quality paper, making it perfect for any collector looking to add a unique piece to their collection. This small (9in by 12in.), single-piece work is handmade and produced using the oil pastel painting technique. The painting's theme is art, and it was produced in the United States in the ultra-contemporary period (2020 - Now).