This unique and captivating piece of art is an original pen and ink hand drawing by Jim & Baby Max Tarantula. The artwork, titled " Princess Leo," was created in 2006 and is a single-piece work that measures 8 inches in length and 11 inches in height. It features a captivating black and white illustration . Lost in Virginia ., showcasing the artists' expertise in contemporary art, expressionism, still life, Americana, fantasy, illustration art, impressionism, and folk art. The paper lamination painting surface and ink medium make this piece a one-of-a-kind addition to any art lover's collection. It comes with a Certificate of Authenticity (COA) and is signed by the artists. The artwork is perfect for those who are inspired by fantasy, mythology, poison, and theme Is of a different view. Also I would like to mention that This Design would be great Print it on a t shirt. I would Love to partner up with a Small home base T-shirt Printing company. If Hunter can make thousands of dollars for blowing paint out his nose. How about a single dad that works hard to take care of his 9 year old son. So he can pay for him to go to college.