Title: Mermaid Core Painting is 9" x 12" on Heavy Fine Art Paper Signed Certificate of Authenticity (COA) included. Signed by the artist , title, and date on the back of the painting. Sealed with an acrylic top coat. An authentic original pastel painting by Artist Kimberly Helgeson Sams. Copyright 2001-2024 Stage Dragon Packaged carefully to ensure its safe arrival. Discover the captivating realm of Mermaid Core with this original 9x12 pastel painting by artist Kimberly Helgeson Sams. This stunning piece features a beautiful mermaid in a contemporary anime style, rendered in vibrant multi-color pastels on paper. The artist's signature adds an extra touch of authenticity to this one-of-a-kind artwork, which comes with a certificate of authenticity issued by the artist herself. The painting's size makes it a perfect addition to any art collection, and its unframed design allows for maximum versatility in display. From the fantasy theme to the ultra contemporary period, this painting is sure to make a statement in any home or office. Don't miss out on the opportunity to own a piece of original art from this talented artist.