Title: Spooky Painting is 9" x 12" on Heavy Art Paper Signed Certificate of Authenticity (COA) included. Signed by the artist, title and date on the back of painting. Sealed with an acrylic topcoat. An original pastel painting by Artist Kimberly Helgeson Sams. Copyright 2001-2024 Stage Dragon. This 9x12 oil pastel painting by Kimberly Helgeson Sams features a spooky black cat in a graveyard setting, perfect for Halloween decor. The contemporary art style with illustration elements makes it a unique addition to any art collection. The piece is signed by the artist and comes with a Certificate of Authenticity (COA) issued by Kimberly Helgeson Sams herself. It is a handmade item and belongs to the ultra-contemporary period (2020-Now). The painting surface is paper, and the item is unframed. This single-piece work is perfect for those who love cats and Halloween themes.